Pre KS4 Assessment Hub
In the assessment hub at St Wilfrid’s academy, students are assessed carefully on entry using a Maths initial assessment. This assessment gives a very clear picture of student’s strengths and areas for development, which is then displayed on a tracker in students books. A personalised learning journey is created to enable students to focus on and make progress in their key areas for development.
The 5 key units covered are:
- Number
- Algebra
- Fractions, decimals and percentages
- Geometry
- Statistics
In Maths, our main aim is to reengage all students in the learning process and create positive attitudes towards Maths, regardless of their previous experiences and abilities. We aim to build on student’s confidence and create a positive learning environment where every student can develop their skills, make progress and fulfil their potential.
KS4 Qualifications
Students in KS4 follow the Edexcel GCSE specification. Students are assessed on entry and regularly throughout Year 10 and 11. Each assessment highlights key strengths and areas for development. This enables us to track progress and create a learning journey, which is personalised for every student.
The Maths GCSE specification has 3 assessment objectives:
- AO1 is about using and applying standard techniques
- AO2 is about reasoning, interpreting and communicating mathematically
- AO3 is about solving problems with a much greater focus on solving non-routine problems in mathematical and non-mathematical contexts
The key areas of study are:
- Number
- Algebra
- Ratio, proportion and rates of change
- Geometry and measures
- Statistics and Probability
Many different teaching styles can be used in one lesson to support each individual learning need and to ensure every student is able to access and enjoy every Maths lesson they attend. Teaching is tailored to suit each individual student and positive relationships are created quickly to help break down barriers. Students are given the opportunity to reengage in their learning and build their confidence in Maths, to enable them to make progress.
Functional Skills Mathematics Qualification (Entry Level 1 – 3)
Students in KS4 will work towards a Functional Skills Mathematics Qualification, alongside their GCSE qualification. The Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualifications in Mathematics at Entry Levels 1 to 3 is for learners to develop understanding and skills in mathematics. The qualifications give learners the opportunity to:
- demonstrate a sound grasp of the underpinning skills and basics of mathematical problem-solving skills appropriate to the level
- achieve the skills for further study at Levels 1 and 2
- achieve a foundation for progression into employment.
The Functional Skills Mathematics Qualification consists of one externally-set, internally marked and externally verified assessment. It is available as a paper-based, on-demand assessment. This means students can complete the assessment at any point in KS4. This qualification should enable learners to become confident in their use of fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills and boost confidence, so students feel ready and able to achieve at GCSE.